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Information on AZLPSPOOIN


This information is based on the requirements set out in the Law on Protection of Persons Reporting Violations or Publicly Disclosing Information on Violations and European legislation (2019/1937 – EU Directive on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law).

The Law on Protection of Persons Reporting Violations or Publicly Disclosing Information on Violations (ZZLPSPOIN) aims to ensure the protection of persons who report signals or publicly disclose information on violations of Bulgarian legislation or acts of the European Union, which became known to them in the course of or in connection with the performance of their work or official duties, or in another work context.

Persons who are granted protection under ZZLPSPOIN

The possibility to submit a report of a violation through the channel for internal reporting of signals established at “Hometou Bulgaria” AD is available to a natural person (reporting person within the meaning of Art. 5, paragraphs 2 and 3 of ZZLPSPOIN), which may be:

  • a person performing work without an employment relationship and/or exercising a free profession and/or craft activity in the context of legal relations with “Hometou Bulgaria” AD;
  • a volunteer or intern at “Hometou Bulgaria” AD;
  • a partner, shareholder, sole owner of the capital, member of a management or supervisory body of a commercial company, member of the audit committee of an enterprise that has had or is in the process of entering into legal relations with “Hometou Bulgaria” AD;
  • a person working for a natural or legal person, its subcontractors or suppliers, who are in legal relations with “Hometou Bulgaria” AD;
  • a job applicant who has participated in a competition or other form of selection for employment at “Hometou Bulgaria” AD and has received information about a violation in this capacity;
  • a worker or employee, when the information was obtained within the framework of an employment or official relationship with “Hometou Bulgaria” AD, which has been terminated at the time of submitting the signal or public disclosure.
  • any other person who submits a signal about a violation at “Hometou Bulgaria” AD, which became known to them in a work context.

How to submit a signal about a violation.

Personally, to the responsible person at the office of “Collect Services Group” Ltd, UIC 203210899, at the address in Sofia, Ovcha Kupel district, Ovcha Kupel, 2 Naroden Geroi Str., Building “A”, ground floor, office 1;
Through a courier with a parcel to the office of the person responsible for receiving the signals, “Collect Services Group” Ltd, UIC 203210899, at the address: Sofia, Ovcha Kupel district, Ovcha Kupel, 2 Naroden Geroi Str., Building “A”, ground floor, office 1, on which the text “Signal under ZZLPSPOIN” is written below the recipient’s address. The parcel is immediately handed over to the employee responsible for reviewing the signals at “Hometou Bulgaria” AD;
By email to the address:;
Written signals are signed by the persons submitting them. When submitted electronically, the form is signed with a qualified electronic signature.
You can submit an oral signal by phone +359 877410790, including through a voice message system, or by personal meeting with the responsible person, previously agreed upon at the specified phone number.

In these cases, the responsible person will fill in the data in the standard form and will give you the opportunity to check, correct and agree with the text of the conversation in writing, as well as with the content of the form, which you will sign.

*You can attach any sources of information supporting your statements and/or references to documents, including information about persons who could confirm the reported data or provide additional information.

! You need to fill in all the data in the form.

If the signal does not meet any of the requirements, the responsible person notifies the person who submitted the signal to remedy the irregularities within 7 days. If the irregularity is not corrected within this period, the signal together with the attached documents is returned to the person who submitted it.

The employee responsible for the signal provides feedback on the actions taken within no more than 3 months after confirming the receipt of the signal.

The identity of the reporting person and of any other person mentioned in the signal will be duly protected, and necessary measures will be taken to restrict access to the signal by unauthorized persons.

! Anonymous signals, as well as signals about violations committed more than two years ago, are not processed.

The form can be downloaded HERE. For more information and any questions, you can contact the External Responsible for Reporting Signals:

“Collect Services Group” Ltd, UIC 203210899, with registered office and management address: Sofia, Ovcha Kupel district, 2 Naroden Geroi Str., Building “A”, ground floor, office 1, tel. +359 877410790 and email: